Luxe Empire started in 2020. Our founder being in the car industry, dealing and trading luxury vehicles. She started selling her personal collection of authentic luxury bags online and from there she saw the opportunity of pre-owned luxury brand market as a more sustainable preference to counterfeit brands by offering a reasonably priced pre-owned authentic luxury goods. Our collection includes some of the most iconic and sought-after bags in the industry, including but not limited to Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci and more.
We are committed to provide authentic goods that are in pristine condition at a reasonable price. Each luxury piece is carefully inspected by our team of experts to ensure authenticity and quality. We offer 100% authenticity guarantee for all of our products or get your money back. Authenticity certification of the goods is also available through our partner and affiliate authenticators.
Mariz D. Manalo, J.D. (Juris Doctor) founded Luxe Empire. As a bag enthusiast and connoisseur of luxury bags coupled with her expertise in the luxury car industry since 2016 inspired her in providing pre-owned authentic luxury goods in excellent condition. Most bags are acquired in her various travels in Europe, Middle East and Japan.
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